Friday, May 20, 2011

Easter and chicks

This year we went to our church to celebrate Resurrection Day, better known as Easter. It was my first time to dress up Regan in girly clothes. She wore a dress that was Cedar's and I bought her tights after shopping at 4 places to get her the right size and a white bow head band. She looked beautiful. It was so fun to dress her up for church. We attempted to get some family shots after church but you know how that goes with 5 people. One is usually not looking the right direction. Right before Easter Logan and I bought chicks to raise. The boys were thrilled and they are growing so fast. We look forward to getting our very own eggs this fall.

Erin Pictures of Regan's 1st days

The Princess

Regan the first few weeks

River and Mason meet Regan

Regan Pics

Regan Jeanne

Regan Jeannes is my sister, as Mason would say it. Logan and I do not have the heart to tell River and Mason that her middle name is Jeanne, not Jeans:) Regan is 8 weeks now and I cannot imagine my life without our beautiful daughter. She is a gift from God. She is an answer to prayer. She was born March 24th at 1145 am after my water broke at 3am. She is healthy, a good eater, a good sleeper, and extremely content. The boys are so proud to be her big brothers. They have never shown any signs of jealously, just love towards Regan. They still ask to hold her. When River comes towards Regan, he changes his voice to a soft, higher pitch voice and says "Hi Regan" and rubs her face, while putting his cheek up against her cheek. I swear it is the sweetest thing ever. Regan did her first real smile while Logan was holding her. She heard me talking and she followed my voice by turning her head to me and started grinning from ear to ear while I was talking to her. Logan and I could not believe it. She started talking at 6 weeks and loves to smile at anyone that will talk to her with exaggerated facial expressions. She especially loves watching her brothers. She goes to bed when we do and I usually nurse her between 2 and 3am and then again between 5-7am. She reminds me so much of River's baby pictures. She has red hair like River and his coloring and one dimple on her right cheek. When she smiles and opens her eyes, she looks so much like Mason's baby pictures. It is funny, I never thought River and Mason looked anything alike until I had Regan. She now makes them look alike b/c she has traits from both of them. Anyways, back to the birth story, Mom and Dad witnessed Regan coming into the world and Logan telling me "it is a girl." Mom screamed and so did Dad! Logan was such a proud Daddy holding Regan. You wouldn't have imagined it was our 3rd. I was in shock that we could make a girl:) Sharon and Earl were kind enough to come to our house in the middle of the night and to be there when the boys woke up. Erin and Linda spent the whole day taking care of R and M. Erin was amazing to do this being in her 3 trimester at the time! We were so grateful that they were in great hands! Thanks Aunt Erin! We came home after 24 hours just like when I had Mason, at my request. I'm not a fan of hospitals or staying up all night when you are there. I'll write more as I think of it but want to work on posting some pictures. I'll end with the fact that River tells Regan everyday how much he loves her and and how very happy he is to have her for a sister. Mason tells everyone that meets Regan for the first time..."That is Regan Jeannes. She cries alot." I think this is so funny b/c she rarely ever cries. She is an amazing baby but he knows that babies cry so he feels she should tell everyone that since she is a baby. Ha.