Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mason's latest at 22 months..., a common saying for Mason whenever I open the freezer!
"have it", "have some", "i do it"

You pretty much talk all day, smile always, laugh easily, and are exploring every square inch of your world. You copy and want to do everything River does from running, climbing, and jumping, to coloring and writing. You also repeat just about anything we say!

When life is good for you or when you get your way, like having a bite of ice cream, you tilt your head to the side and bounce happily up and down as you are eating it in your high chair. It is so funny.

I often find you in the refrigerator, in the snack cabinet, outside riding the gator with River, pestering your brother to get his undivided attention, or dancing to any beat you hear. You truly LOVE to dance and you have incredible rhythm at your young age.

You love to give hugs and kisses and lay your head on my chest and snuggle. I love every second of it! You are so fun at this age and continue to make Daddy and I laugh by what you say and do and River is very entertained by you as well. He says "Mason, you crack me up..." very often.

Jesus bridged the gap between our infinite God and finite man!

Taken from "Our Daily Bread" today. Just as Jesus came down to our level to "meet" us by sending Jesus to earth to be among us and to die for our sins, we need to come down to our children's level to "meet" them. Get on there level. Play a game with them. Get into their world and do what interests them. Afterall, doesn't God do this with us? Such a great conviction. I'm grateful!