Monday, February 27, 2012

Is that pee in the closet?

So it has been awhile and I must post about many milestones over the last few months sometime such as Mason giving up his binki back in November and his first visit to the dentist, Regan pulling up and standing on her own, River reading books, River deciding to play soccer this spring, Mason starting preschool, and so on. But for now, I must share a story before I forget so that one day we can look back and have a great laugh again.

After church and our usual Pine Grove brunch, we headed home. Logan and I began to work on the house. I was upstairs collecting the trash and asked Mason to get the trash out of our bathroom for me. As I continued to his room and began to change the sheets on his bed, I was so proud of him b/c he brought the trash to me after me only asking 1 time and w/o getting distracted. Pretty good for 3 years old, right? Then Logan went to change his clothes and stepped into our closet. He then asks me, What is this wet spot on our closet floor?" Immediately we both thought it was pee and we also both said Mason's name out loud but could not believe it either. He has been potty trained for 1 year, he and his brother were not goofing off. He was alone going to get the trash out of our bathroom. What would make him stop to pee in our closet? So Logan and I looked at eachother and I said, "wait...let me handle this one." I very nicely asked Mason to come here. I said to him, "Daddy and I were just in our closet and we noticed this wet spot on the floor. Do you have any idea what happened here?" M-I'm sorry Mommy, I got thirsty and spilled some water when I got a drink. Me-Really, where is the cup? M-In the sink downstairs. Me-What color is the cup? M-Green Me-You know what Mason, I really do not think this is water. It looks like pee. M-(with a sad, convicted face) Ok Mommy. It is pee. I peed on the floor. Me-Thank you for telling me the truth. That is the right thing to do. Then we talked about lying, honesty, etc. I told him that was discusting and you do not ever pee in our house except for in the pottys. He apologized, got his bottom spanked and then sat with me while I cleaned it up. As we were cleaning it up, I asked him to please tell me why he would pee in the closet when he was already in our bathroom getting the trash. I knew what he would say. "Because your potty is dirty." It was so hard to keep from laughing (L and I) b/c we are very bad about keeping our master bath clean. It just seems to be the last one we get too these days. It was just too "dirty" for Mason's pee. Ha! He will always keep us on our toes!!

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