Thursday, July 28, 2011

Boys will be Boys...

Took the kids to see all the harrisonburg cousins all day Tuesday. For quiet time, I put River and Marley in a bedroom to play quietly. I opened the door to find River laying down, with his legs spread open and hands behind his head laughing. Marley had a nerf gun out and was loading it above R. "What are you boys doing...?" R says, "We are taking turns shooting eachother's penises."

At 1000am this morning, I had already done 2 crafts with the boys to keep them busy. Then I just went outside to check on them and Mason had peed in a cup outside and River dumped it into the sandbox. Lovely.

This morning, River was singing at the top of his lungs..."Oh no, you never let go of me...through the calm and through the storm..." A beautiful thing for a tired Mommy to hear. Then I hear Mason shouting, "No, stop singing..." There went the moment:)

They keep me on my toes and it.



  2. Too funny....I love your boys! Check our blog soon, gonna put up some fair pics from Todd's phone. Got some cute ones of the kids. Yee-haw, it was hot out! Looking forward to Tuesday.
