You are four now big boy and I remember bringing you home from the hospital like it was yesterday. Such a great, happy baby. Doah smelled you and licked your head and you two have been the bested friends since. You continue to take naps, started Montessori school in January and have done awesome, did your first lesson today on the "a" box, just learned how to write your name, still full of energy, love to jump on the trampoline and ride the gator, would be naked all the time if you were allowed too, chew juicy fruit gum like it's no body's business, give the biggest hugs and say so many "Daddy, Mommy...." yes, riv, ..."i love you", love books, playing and laughing and running with Mason, playing games such as dominos, matching, i spy, word games in the car, enjoy any candy and ice cream, still call the basement, "dasement", wine or cry when mommy asks you to go to the bathroom, take showers with Daddy and baths with Mason, run or hide from the camera when anyone wants your picture, cry easily, ride your big bike (my motorcycle) on the road, park , and porch, struggle most nights to eat a good dinner unless Mommy and Daddy are helping you, take care of Mason, make your own snack and pour your own drinks, and always light up when I mention any member of your family or extended family. Did I mention, your crack us up. You are funny, oh so lovable, and love living life. Daddy and I are just so glad that God blessed us with you, our River bug, boo, Riv, Buddy!
You wanted a "race car" themed birthday party. We tie dyed t-shirts, beat a race car pinata, had races in the back yard, made homemade strawberry ice cream, had a scavenger hunt, played baseball, opened presents, enjoyed pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fruit (upon your request) and cupcakes. You loved every minute of it and even began to cry when you looked around at all of your family singing "happy birthday to you"..just so full of emotion. I continue to love your heart, River!
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