Thursday, July 23, 2009

No more croup please...

The boys are both getting over croup.  Nasty, barking seal cough and fevers off and on.  Thank God!  Mason was put on his first medicine.  A steroid very common in treating croup.  He hates it and spits half of it out while choking on the other half.  I took the boys to the doctor last Monday and as usual River's anxiety increased as the day went on.  He is afraid of doctors. Sounds like his mommy, right?  Anyways, he did so awesome for the first time b/c we saw the nurse practictioner and she really took her time with River.  She had him use the "flash light" to look in his ears, etc.  She made it so much fun.  He ended up laughing and loving the doctor's office for the first time ever.  This is the same kid that at his 3 month check up screamed and threw a fit to get weighed.  They had to weigh me first and then I held River kicking and screaming just to get his weight. Fun times.

Here is an update on what the boys favorite things are now in there life and what they are doing:  I need to do this more!

Mason is almost 11 months.  Takes 2 long naps during the day and about 11/12 hours at night. Loves his bed.  He is standing by himself now, loves to be in any water (pool, kid pool in our backyard, and bath tub).  He feeds Doah from the highchair now and eats anything he shouldn't.  He knocks over the dog's water bowl atleast one time a day.  He responds to "patty-cake", "dance" and "no". (ie, claps repeatedly, bounces up and down, and shakes his head back and forth when you say no)  He also has figured out how to turn on and off the kitchen light by flipping the switch in his highchair.  He thinks he is so funny.  And he is.  He laughs and laughs at River all the time.  He loves to drive River's big car and have Riv push him around.

River is 3.2 years and entertains Mason constantly.  They kind of already wrestle on the floor.  River wants to be naked with the water hose outside and well, naked inside too all the time.  It is a daily request to have a popsicle and gum now.  He still loves playdoh and painting and now enjoys loading his wagon outside with sticks and weeds.  Everything is "my" instead of "I."  He is trying to ride his bike more and more, getting started is still complicated with turning the pedals.  Loves baking with mommy and licking the bowl.  Has to help with the laundry and insists on sitting on top of the washing machine while it is filling up to watch the spinner start. Still taking naps!  Always please Riv!
They are fun and keep me on my toes. 

Friday, July 17, 2009

Goodbye Binki

So, I know to many people, giving up your binki at age 3 is ridiculous.  Well, we finally encouraged River and put our foot down once all of our traveling was done in June.  I always want to remember it and someday I want River to read about this milestone in his young life. We were so very proud of him that he decided to do it last Wednesday.  First we cut the tip off of his binki, tied it to a string and hung it on a tree. Logan, River and I went outside before bed and I will never forget the feeling I felt.  River excitedly ran over to the tree and it was like a part of me was hung on the tree too.  The part that says, you are not a baby anymore.  You are my big boy and all the times flashed of River as a baby up until now of that binki in his mouth before bedtime or on the couch to watch a movie.  The comfort was gone.  As tears rolled down my face, I uttered the words..."I am so proud of you River.  You are such a big boy!"  I could not help but notice tears in Logan's eyes too.  We just smiled. The "binki ferry" came that night...after he was asleep and took the binki.  She put a wrapped present under the tree.  River was very excited to go to bed so that he could wake up and get the present under the tree outside.  Little did he understand that his "3 year comforter" would never return.  I knew it.  I assumed that the next day would be awful at nap time and it was.  Imagine taking your favorite thing away from you, cold turkey, forever.  Just awful.  He was so excited in the morning to run outside and open up his horse trailer he had asked for.  Yes, I called the binki ferry and had a long conversation with her about River getting big now and how he needs to give up his binki to babies..etc. and that he was ready for a horse trailer.  The next 3 days at nap time in particular were so horrible.  He begged me to tell the binki ferry that he was not done and he wanted his binki back.  He would cry, not just any cry, but close to vomitting for 1 hour until he would give up and fall asleep in my arms.  River never knew that tears flowed down my face silently for his pain.  As gushy, over sentimental, and/or dramatic as this all sounds, it is how I felt.  How River felt.  And now, 1 week later, he has adjusted and is just fine.  Just like they all are eventually.  Once again, even with the little stuff in life like giving up your binki, time heals! River, mommy and daddy love you and are proud of you.  We did not have our camera to take a picture of your binki hanging on that tree but daddy and I will always have that picture within us.  

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Beach and Colorado Pictures coming soon...

We left our camera at "Crabijeans".  As soon as I get it back, I will post some pictures from our family beach vacation, our time in Colorado and fishing at Crabijeans with family for the fourth.  

Friday, July 10, 2009

River's 3rd Birthday

For River's 3rd birthday, he wanted a "Mater" cake from the movie "Cars".  Mater is the towtruck.  So I made a crumble rumble mater cake.  We also borrowed a moonbounce and enjoyed fun times with cousins Dawson, Marley, Chloe, Abby, Ayla and Cedar.  We had been singing "Happy Birthday" to River for a month, so he was thrilled when it was finally time for everyone to sing to him at his party and blow out those 3 candles.  I cannot believe you are 3 now buddy!  Our little riverboo!! You are too fun.

Mason loving his pool time with River!