Here is an update on what the boys favorite things are now in there life and what they are doing: I need to do this more!
Mason is almost 11 months. Takes 2 long naps during the day and about 11/12 hours at night. Loves his bed. He is standing by himself now, loves to be in any water (pool, kid pool in our backyard, and bath tub). He feeds Doah from the highchair now and eats anything he shouldn't. He knocks over the dog's water bowl atleast one time a day. He responds to "patty-cake", "dance" and "no". (ie, claps repeatedly, bounces up and down, and shakes his head back and forth when you say no) He also has figured out how to turn on and off the kitchen light by flipping the switch in his highchair. He thinks he is so funny. And he is. He laughs and laughs at River all the time. He loves to drive River's big car and have Riv push him around.
River is 3.2 years and entertains Mason constantly. They kind of already wrestle on the floor. River wants to be naked with the water hose outside and well, naked inside too all the time. It is a daily request to have a popsicle and gum now. He still loves playdoh and painting and now enjoys loading his wagon outside with sticks and weeds. Everything is "my" instead of "I." He is trying to ride his bike more and more, getting started is still complicated with turning the pedals. Loves baking with mommy and licking the bowl. Has to help with the laundry and insists on sitting on top of the washing machine while it is filling up to watch the spinner start. Still taking naps! Always please Riv!
They are fun and keep me on my toes.