River-5.5 years
Most days, River and I are alone for about an hour when Mason and Regan are still sleeping. One of River's favorite things to do is to make up a story and tell it to me while I write it down word for word. I love his stories and he is so proud of them. He loves to have Daddy read them when he gets home from work. Here is one from today...
"Christmas Eve Now" by River Welsh
One day River and all of his family were sleeping in bed. Santa Claus came while they were sleeping. Santa Claus and his reindeer came. Santa Claus went down the chimney. He left presents under the tree. Then Santa Claus went up the chimney and the entire family came downstairs and looked under the tree and there was presents. When River was looking under the tree, he saw a bird's nest. They happily opened their presents and got on the couch and watched a Christmas movie. The family went outside and Daddy went to the shed and got the sled. River went down to the house and got Doah to come out in the snow. Daddy put Doah on the sled and they pushed Doah down the hill. Then the family came inside and had some hot chocolate. When the hot chocolate was done, it was night time. River and Mason got to stay up the latest the whole entire night. Then the whole family wend to bed. The end.