Another awesome year at the beach with Mom and Dad and the rest of the gang. You can tell the 7 kids are getting older b/c there are fewer tears and less spats. I'm going to list a few highlights and memories for this post.
1 Singing praise and worship songs while Kevin kicking it on the guitar
2 Doughnuts every night..thanks Dad for the extra 5 pounds
3 The Pool, aweseome temperature and so much time spent with the kiddos learning to swim
4 River getting comfortable going under water and jumping off the edge of the pool
5 Mason sitting in the baby chair on the beach people watching
6 Professional pictures on the beach with the 7 kids
7 Dinner nights
8 Showers outside
9 Hauling our "house" to the beach everyday
10 Go-cart riding- River loving it.
11 Abby and Logan's Birthday celebration-more junk food
12 Kids pushing baby doll strollers, parents taking strollers away
13 Psychiatrist once again...
14 Many Many More...
We are so blessed to have our entire family healthy and able to spend the week together. The weather could not have been any better in Nagshead! Just beautiful.