I know, I have been such a slacker lately when it comes to updating our family blog. I promise to post some pictures soon of the 2010 blizzards and Easter. The winter was long and hard being stuck indoors and the kids were sick so much. Just about every week, I ended up at the doctor for one of them. Life is apparently much easier with an almost four year old and 19 month old when the weather turns nice. River and Mason are living outside. Playing in the sandbox, collecting sticks, finding worms and bugs seem to keep them busy. It is such a pleasure to actually see them playing together as they get older. River continues to love school and we were/are so blessed for that transition to be so beautiful. He loves playground time and movement days and finding worms on the playground. No surprise there. Riv also enjoys Spanish classes and I already see a huge difference in his fine motor/coloring skills. He continues to be interested in learing new sounds and numbers. We are so blessed for him to have Mrs. Sempeles. His biggest buddies now are Jack and Thor. He wants to do "crafts" all the time and play marbles or other games when Mason is asleep. I eat up the one on one time with River at night before he goes down.
Mason is becoming very independent and a huge follower of whatever River does. I think the second child actually learns more from their older sibling than their parents. He is talking so much this month and repeating words constantly. He loves buckles, putting on his frog boots by himself, playing in the car and truck with the keys, his binki, pops, milk, cuddle time, hugs, and SLEEP. He is such a great sleeper at night and napper. His smile lights up my day with those huge blue eyes and dimples. He is an entertainer as well and goofs off for his brother's laugh. I see so much of uncle Kevin in Mason now personality wise.
The boys got haircuts today and look about 2 years older. River got about 2 inches cut off and all the curls. He looks so mature now and his birthday is just around the corner. I cut River's bangs last week and butchered them. He looked in the mirror and cried. So, Auntie came to the rescue today. Our family is counting down the days to the beach in June...