Friday, November 5, 2010
"River, we have something to tell you..."
Yesterday afternoon, River woke up from his nap so happy. Probably because Daddy was here:) We decided to tell him the news we had been keeping. Logan, grabbed River's hand and while rubbing my belly told River that "Mommy is going to have another baby. You know how you are a big brother to Mason, you get to be a big brother again to either a baby brother or sister." We explained that God has blessed us with another baby that is growing inside of Mommy's belly. River smiled with that huge smile of his and was delighted. He said, "maybe there is 2 or 3 or even 5 in there!" He was so happy and we assured him that there was only one. I was amazed at his response and we were careful about letting him feel special like he now knows the good news and can tell others. We kept it simple and continued our evening normally. But throughout the evening River asked over and over again if he could rub my belly and "touch it" while grinning from ear to ear. He even ran over to Mason with such excitement and said, "Mason...Mommy is going to have a baby and we have to be really careful around her belly." He felt like such a big boy when he called Gaga and Poppa to tell them the news! It was too sweet and something I hope I will never forget. We enjoyed our woodstove fire last night while laying down in front of the fireplace as a family and even with Doah, I would catch River smiling every once in awhile and looking at my growing belly. I was so thankful for this response because I know the highs and lows of change in our lives, especially for River and Mason, that will take place when we transition from a family of 4 to a family of 5.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Cute sayings by the boys
On the way to school, we always play word games with River. One game is where we describe something with a few clues and the others guess. River's was so cute today. "What lives in the ocean, has a big hole on the top of it, and starts with Hump?" Daddy says.."Ummm a humpback whale?" River is always amazed when we guess it! Too cute. Another one that comes to mind, River said "what has 2 eyes and growls? Daddy guesses "Mommy?" Ha ha ha we all laugh and River says, "Daddy, I meant an animal." All of this is going on while Mason is yelling "I spy a giraffe...etc. Gotta love the chatty car rides.
Mason was helping me unload the dishwasher today and fell off the chair and landed on his face on the dishwasher. Ouch. Then tonight, he was running naked (of course) and rammed into some chairs. Crying and limping walks over to me and says, "My boo boo broke open." There was no boo boo just a pink toe but that is how it felt to poor Mason. I'll usually ask what happened even though he is usually right near me and he will tell me "River" while crying, even though River could be upstairs putting his pj's on..keeps us laughing.
Never a dull moment with the boys, especially having a toddler in the house!
Monday, November 1, 2010
River's Ist day of school this year

River was so excited about school starting that he and Mason had to wear their backpacks the night before over their pj's. He woke up ready to go and see Mrs. Sempeles, Mrs. Griffith, and all his friends. It was still hard to say goodbye to by big boy but much easier than last January when he started. I didn't even cry this year:) Back to WMS we went after a summer at home! He continues to love it as he is one of the "big kids" in the class.
Mason turns 2 August 30th!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Another attempt
Blogger has been acting up if I do say so myself. Instead of writing a long description of our 2nd beach trip with Logan's family for the 3rd time, I'll list some highlights. It was another great family/friend vacation with beautiful weather.
- Our boys were obsessed with the big kids, Emy, Charlotte, and cousin Hunter-they all played so well together
- The many huge sand holes, dumptrucks, eating ice cream on the beach
- Eating out and eating in...Logan and I actually had a date at the amazing Torguga' tacos and were able to finish our conversations without kids...did I mention amazing?
- Visiting our great friends Jonathan, Jennifer, Elijah, and Lottie on our day trip to Okracoke-we fell in LOVE with this charming island, amazing character and beautiful scenery, driving on the beach, more eating, and River throwing up his ice cream all over me on the ferry ride back
- Linda and Holmes providing an incredible seafood dinner on the porch of the cottage, we were spoiled
- Many walks on the beach/road
- River flying his brand new kite
- Clare and the girls painting River and Mason's toes
- Mason playing/running naked in the ocean
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
River's Prayer
Tonight after reading bible stories to River in bed, I asked him if he wanted to pray for anyone or thank God for anything. He said "yes. my fishing pole, thank you God for keeping it safe tonight and for not letting anyone come in my room and take it. thank you for helping my friends. for seeing Anna tonight at the pool. for keeping me safe and Daddy safe and give Daddy no traffic tonight. that is it. i am done," he said. Love it! I love the innocence of a four year old's prayer. I know it makes Jesus smile. Thank you God for the opportunity to be a Mom to the sweetest four year old. I am blessed!
Professional Beach Pictures of the Seven!
So, we actually paid for a professional photographer this year to shoot the seven cousins together on the beach. Our primary goal was to get 1 good picture to frame for our parents 40th wedding anniversary. Very fun and a challenge to do in 2 hours with kids ranging from 1 year to 8 years old. Her are a few. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Mason's latest at 22 months..., a common saying for Mason whenever I open the freezer!
"have it", "have some", "i do it"
You pretty much talk all day, smile always, laugh easily, and are exploring every square inch of your world. You copy and want to do everything River does from running, climbing, and jumping, to coloring and writing. You also repeat just about anything we say!
When life is good for you or when you get your way, like having a bite of ice cream, you tilt your head to the side and bounce happily up and down as you are eating it in your high chair. It is so funny.
I often find you in the refrigerator, in the snack cabinet, outside riding the gator with River, pestering your brother to get his undivided attention, or dancing to any beat you hear. You truly LOVE to dance and you have incredible rhythm at your young age.
You love to give hugs and kisses and lay your head on my chest and snuggle. I love every second of it! You are so fun at this age and continue to make Daddy and I laugh by what you say and do and River is very entertained by you as well. He says "Mason, you crack me up..." very often.
Jesus bridged the gap between our infinite God and finite man!
Taken from "Our Daily Bread" today. Just as Jesus came down to our level to "meet" us by sending Jesus to earth to be among us and to die for our sins, we need to come down to our children's level to "meet" them. Get on there level. Play a game with them. Get into their world and do what interests them. Afterall, doesn't God do this with us? Such a great conviction. I'm grateful!
Monday, June 28, 2010
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