Monday, December 14, 2009
"Daddy, I want Jesus to come in my heart..."
Last night, Logan was putting River to bed. This was a bittersweet time because he was also saying "goodbye" to River for 7 days. Logan was going to leave for a business trip at 4am and Riv would still be asleep. River taped the 7 day calendar that Logan made for him by his bed. Each day had a picture on it that River wanted to see for that particular day. He says, "You will come home on boat day Daddy" b/c Logan had drawn a boat picture on Sunday, when he returns. After Logan read to him some short versian bible stories, River had on his heart the story of Jesus "Knock Knock Knocking on our Heart." River said, Daddy, I want Jesus to come into my heart." Logan told him that asking Jesus into your heart is something you have to ask Jesus to do when you are ready. River said, "Daddy, you ask him." "Buddy, Daddy asked Jesus into my heart when I was ready and that is something you need to do when you are ready," Logan replied. River said "Okay...Jesus come into my heart." Tears were already rolling down Logan's cheeks as he was having to say goodbye for the week and knew this would be the last time putting Riv to bed for awhile. The tears rolled even more after this. Yes, he is three. Yes, he is innocent. But, I wonder what his little mind was thinking. It really is so very simple to ask Jesus into your heart and believe in him. We cried. It was just cool! Of course we look forward to the day where both our sons accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and believe in him when they are old enough to grasp that concept. But how cool for River to begin to desire that at age three.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Some pumpkins, a drill, a dragon and a pirate

Great Country Farms was so fun for the kids. We met Mimi, Pop, Aunt Erin, Uncle Todd, and cousin Cedar there. River loved the giant balloon bounce to jump on and especially the hay wagon ride to the pumpkin patch. It was great for him to actually see that pumpkins do grow in pumpkin patches, come from the ground and not the grocery store. It was really cold that day but the weather made it feel that much more like Fall time! It was a great family memory. We carved one pumpkin and drilled holes in another. River names the pumpkins "Jake" and "Mimi."
For Halloween, we went to the church that my brothers attend with their families for a fun party designed especially for kids. They had so much to do and River could not wait to spend time with his beloved cousins! He must have asked me about the party 50+ times. So, he was more than thrilled when he finally got to dress up at Auntie and Uncle Chris' house with his cousins and then hit up the party. River was a green dragon that he picked out at "Old Navy" after trying on 3 costumes and looking at himself in the mirror. I could not believe he was just 3 acting much older. My Mom bought Mason's costume at a thrift store. The BEST $2.00 spent. I still laugh just when I think about him in this costume. I spent the whole night chasing Mason around and getting him off of the top of tables that he climbed on over and over again. As fun as this stage is, I had forgotten about how demanding and tiring it can be on MOMMY! We also enjoyed another hay wagon tractor ride at the party, this time in full costume. Enjoy the pictures.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Hike to Bear's Den, Playdoh, and Cookies...

I just wanted to include some pictures from Sept. and early Oct. before I post Halloween pics. We enjoyed another hike to Bear's Den. River always loves to climb around on the rocks and find awesome sticks and small rocks on the way up and back down to the car. I still find the view so beautiful and breath-taking no matter how many times I have been there. Reaching the top seems like such an accomplishment with two kids and it is nice to sit, enjoy the view, drink some water, and have a snack. So, that is what we did.
I also have been staying busy doing various arts and crafts projects and different activities with River. He keeps me on my toes and we try to have that special time together during Mason's morning nap. Some pictures below include making some homemade playdoh and Halloween cookies. River would say he liked icing the cookies the best. He piled the icing on top. I mean piled it on and was so proud of his creations. Enjoy...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mason Turns One
Mason turned one on Aug. 30th, 2009. We just had his "Doggy" birthday party on Sunday, Sept. 6th. I made a "dog bone" cake and puppy cupcakes for the kids. All the cousins were there and the kids enjoyed the backyard baby pool and sprinkler. Mason loved playing in the pool and carefully exploring his birthday cake with each finger. He was so gentle. It was funny to watch. He had such a surprised look on his face when the candle was lit. Mason opened some awesome presents including some toys, a puzzle and book, and clothing. There was a doggy bone hunt down in the basement for all the children. (Just like an Easter egg hunt except with dog bones.) The kids were so excited as if they were finding candy instead of dog bones. We had a taco bar with chicken, beef, beans, and all the works. It was delicious. And Mason, you enjoyed every minute of it. I cannot believe you are one, my sweet "Macy boy." You are such a joy and I just love the way you are always hugging me and laying your head on my chest. So cuddly! Here are some pictures of your special days my love. (real birthday and party)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I was very happy to go to Oklahoma for my Uncle Gary's funeral. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be with my Dad. It was a bittersweet trip. So many emotions. It was wonderful to see all my cousins and Aunt Susie. It had been about 12 years since I last saw them. Every interaction was filled with hugs and tears and "I love you's" ...pretty amazing considering that last time we all hung out together was so long ago. I was so proud of my dad and his words during the eulogy. I knew he was an awesome public speaker and his words were so moving. Here are a few pictures of my extended family and I.
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